PNGOUTWin 圖檔壓縮、減肥工具

PNGOUTWin 圖檔壓縮、減肥工具:
現在雖然大家都用 ADSL、光纖網路,網路速度是比以前快很多,不過如果你是網站站長、部落格或各種網頁內容的經營者,其實也不應該忽略網頁內容的檔案大小太多龐大而早成閱讀上的困擾,尤其對很多手機上網的用戶來說網路流量也是很花錢的。
會造成網頁內容的檔案大小太過龐大的原因大部分都在圖檔,當我們用手機拍了數位照片或用電腦抓圖之後,如果沒有進一步壓縮、縮減圖檔大小,可能隨便放個幾張圖就爆了。之前曾經介紹過 RIOTPNGGauntlet 等免費的圖檔壓縮、減肥工具,剛剛又看到另外一套似乎還不錯的軟體 PNGOUTWin,雖然是免費軟體,不過壓縮效果跟執行速度似乎還不錯,有這方面需求的人可以試試看。
PNGOUTWin 可支援將 TIFF, GIF, BMP 等格式的圖檔壓縮、最佳化成 PNG 格式,執行效率與壓縮效果都還不錯,亦可批次處理多個圖檔的壓縮工作,如果不想每次都開 Photoshop 等大軟體來處理圖檔的最佳化工作,PNGOUTWin 看起來應該還不錯用。 繼續閱讀 »

Win7z 壓縮率超高的 .7z 壓縮軟體

Win7z 壓縮率超高的 .7z 壓縮軟體:
「7z」是個開放架構的壓縮格式,除了擁有高壓縮比率、高強度 AES-256 加密、支援 Unicode 檔案名稱之外,最高也可支援到 16EB 的檔案。
以 7z 為預設壓縮格式的軟體最有名的是免費的 7-Zip,而 Win7z 則是其他廠商所開發的另外一套免費軟體。近年來 .7z 格式的壓縮檔應用範圍有越來越廣的趨勢,網路上不少超大檔案有些都會選擇 .7z 壓縮格式的檔案來流傳。
Win7z 是個免費的壓縮、解壓縮軟體,可解壓縮的格式包括 ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DEB, DMG, FAT, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, SquashFS, UDF, VHD, WIM, XAR… 等二十多種。除了可支援密碼加密、加密檔案名稱,並提供文件過濾器功能並可支援壓縮級別的選擇、固定壓縮模式、多線程壓縮模式…等。整體來說還算實用,不過並不支援滑鼠右鍵選單的快捷操作(得先開視窗、按新增壓縮檔再把要壓縮的檔案拉進去),也許這部份還得加強一下。
繼續閱讀 »


大家都知YouTube有MV睇,其實更可抽出其聲軌來做MP3,若未試過,不妨試用呢隻簡單易用的免費軟件「YouTube Song Downloader」。
使用前,要先安裝「.Net Framework 4.0」,之後必須重新啟動操作系統,註冊並獲得一組「Unlock Code」先用得。只要在程式輸入中、英或日文關鍵字,搜尋出YouTube影片清單後,想下載為影片檔或音樂檔就由你話事,音質方面中上吧。值得一提的是,程式在處理中文檔案名時會有亂碼,所以建議逐首下載,並即時rename。軟件是免費的,難免有些少瑕疵,多多包容吧。

[免費下載] 微軟正式發佈 Windows 8 Release Preview 繁體中文 ISO 映像檔(上市前的最後一個測試版)

[免費下載] 微軟正式發佈 Windows 8 Release Preview 繁體中文 ISO 映像檔(上市前的最後一個測試版):
在經過之前不是很穩定的 Windows 8 Developer Preview 跟稍稍穩定一點的 Windows 8 Consumer Preview 版本之後,微軟終於也推出了公開上市前的最後一個測試版 Windows 8 Release Preview。
目前 Windows 8 Release Preview 提供了包含繁體中文、簡體中文在內的 13 種語言,並分別提供 32 位元與 64 位元兩種不同環境的版本,檔案大小分別為 2.6 GB 與 3.4 GB。此 ISO 檔為光碟映像檔,下載下載來後可以把它燒錄成光碟然後再重開機、執行系統安裝。
目前釋出的 Release Preview 一般認為會是比較穩定可用的版本,不過我還是會建議先使用 Virtual Box VMware 之類的虛擬電腦軟體裝來測試就好。如果真要用自己的電腦安裝測試,也建議是另外找個閒置的硬碟用全新安裝的方式裝來玩,不確定從 Windows 7 直接升級到 Windows 8 會不會遇到其他不相容或軟體衝突等問題。
當然,既然是測試版應該還是會有些程式 bug 或其他意想不到的問題出現,不建議使用工作用的電腦來升級、重灌。 繼續閱讀 »

[免費] IObit Malware Fighter 惡意軟體偵測、移除工具(繁體中文版)

[免費] IObit Malware Fighter 惡意軟體偵測、移除工具(繁體中文版):
Malware(malicious software) 指的是一些惡意程式的總稱,部分惡意程式雖然不一定馬上會讓電腦當機、無法正常運作,但可能會強制顯示廣告、暗中竊取使用者的信用卡號或機密資訊,或者透過一些方式騙取使用者的帳號密碼..等等,雖然各廠商對於 Malware 的定義都不太一樣,反正都是指不好的東西。
現在大部分使用者應該都會在自己的 Windows 電腦中安裝防毒軟體來偵測、攔截各種病毒、木馬與駭客程式,避免自己的電腦遭受破壞或干擾。不過有些防毒軟體的防護範圍可能不是那麼完整,而且各家防毒軟體廠商的技術與專注的重點可能都不太一樣,閒閒沒事的話也可以換換其他軟體來交叉測試掃掃看。
IObit Malware Fighter 獨特的雙引擎掃描技術可讓 IObit Malware Fighter 運作時更快、更有效率。此外並內建了Malware、間諜軟體、廣告程式、木馬、自動執行工具… 等等惡意程式的偵測功能,可彌補一般簡易型防毒軟體指針對特定病毒或木馬類型方面的不足。而除了單純的掃描與即時防護之外,IObit Malware Fighter 還提供了「雲端偵測」功能,讓我們手動上傳可疑檔案到 IObit Cloud 去做額外的分析與判定,並內建了「DOG (Digital Original Gene) 啟發式偵測引擎」透過各種軟體、應用程式內部的程式基因來判定是否為不良、可疑或偽造的惡意軟體。 繼續閱讀 »

迎接5.1.1完美越獄,五個備份Cydia Apps / Tweaks方案!

迎接5.1.1完美越獄,五個備份Cydia Apps / Tweaks方案!:

繼續閱讀>>: 迎接5.1.1完美越獄,五個備份Cydia Apps / Tweaks方案!
網站主頁: i ♥ Apps

Wireless Network Watcher v1.45 監控有哪些電腦、手機連上你的「無線網路基地台」

Wireless Network Watcher v1.45 監控有哪些電腦、手機連上你的「無線網路基地台」:
Wireless Network Watcher 是一個相當簡單的無線網路監控工具,主要功能是用來顯示目前與你連上同一個無線網路基地台的其他電腦、手機或 iPad… 等等行動裝置。
除了顯示電腦或手機的 IP 位址與電腦、裝置名稱之外,還可一併顯示該裝置的 MAC Address、網路卡廠牌與其他相關資訊。除了將這些資訊展示在視窗中之外,還可匯出成 html、xml、csv、text… 等格式的文件檔。
透過 Wireless Network Watcher 所取得的資訊對一般人來說可能沒啥用,不過如果你想知道平常家裡或公司的無線網路基地台到底有哪些人正在連線使用,或者哪些人透過自己的手機、平板電腦偷偷連線上網,除了無線網路基地台內建的管理介面之外,如果不想太麻煩也可以直接開 Wireless Network Watcher 來看,執行後馬上就可以列出清單,相當簡單易用。 繼續閱讀 »


因為「總造價逾20億,許文龍捐出奇美博物館」這則新聞在噗浪上的討論而看到網友轉貼的奇美古典音樂電台的網址,才知道除了原本放在 Hinet 的奇美電台線上廣播之外,另外還有個可以隨選即播的網路音樂播放器,而且最近奇美博物館的音樂播放功能似乎又改版了,現在變得更直覺、更好用了些。
而整個網站的內容其實就是奇美博物館自己發行的數十張古典音樂專輯,包含數百首樂曲,依照樂器或主題來分,分別有 管弦樂曲、協奏曲、奇美名琴名曲、鋼琴、小提琴、大提琴、曼陀林、豎琴、吉他、巴拉萊卡琴、多姆拉琴、小喇叭、豎笛、歌劇… 等,整個放在網站上免費讓大家聽,完全不會插播廣告也不會一直推銷啥直銷產品,就是你選啥就可以播啥,喜歡的話就一直播下去也可以。
喜歡聽古典音樂的人一定不能錯過這個網站.. 繼續閱讀 »

Quick Javascript Switcher 按一下!輕鬆對指定網站開啟、關閉 JavaScript 支援

Quick Javascript Switcher 按一下!輕鬆對指定網站開啟、關閉 JavaScript 支援:
Javascript 是個很好用的東西,透過一些簡單的 JavaScript 控制碼就可以在網站上呈現各種實用、有趣或特別的應用,如大家每天都會用到的 Gmail、Facebook 或噗浪…等網站裡都有很多很多 JavaScript 程式碼來實現各種方便的功能。
但就像菜刀一樣,有人拿來切菜、有人卻拿來傷人。在絕大多數情況下,Javascript 的應用是相當受到歡迎的,但很多網站卻透過 Javascript 加上很多各種奇怪的使用限制或一堆讓使用者看了會想哭的東西,譬如說一些封鎖滑鼠右鍵、禁止選取文字或完全不必要的網頁特效…更可怕的是那種可以算是網頁炸彈等級的各種關也關不完的彈出式廣告或全螢幕廣告…等。
如果你偶爾會遇到這類用 Javascript 製作的煩死人的東西但又不得不瀏覽這些網站,若是關閉 Javascript 後網站還可正常呈現你要看的內容、下載你要的檔案,那直接關掉 Javascript 可能是最快的方法。只是一般瀏覽器要關閉 Javascript 的支援並不式那麼容易,如果你用的是 Google Chrome 瀏覽器,又剛好有這類需求,可以試試看下面這個擴充套件 Quick Javascript Switcher 。 繼續閱讀 »

GifPal 用圖片或 Webcam 攝影機線上製作 GIF 動畫圖檔

GifPal 用圖片或 Webcam 攝影機線上製作 GIF 動畫圖檔:
很久之前曾經介紹過一些製作 GIF 動畫、轉檔的簡易型免費工具,如 Microsoft GIF Animator。如果你偶爾有製作 Gif 動畫的需求,又不想安裝或操作太複雜的軟體,也可以試試看下面這個免費的線上工具 GIFPAL。
GIFPAL 的主要功能就是讓我們上傳自己畫的圖案或照片,然後把它合併成一張會動、會翻頁的 Gif 動畫圖檔。比較特別的是,GIFPAL 也可支援直接用 Webcam 拍攝現場畫面來製作 Gif 動畫,拍攝時除了可以手動一張一張按拍照之外,也可以設定讓電腦自動多張連拍,拍好之後就可以直接製作成會翻頁、會動的 Gif 動畫了。
另外 GIFPAL 網站上還提供了簡單的線上繪圖功能,可以讓我們直接在照片中塗鴉、打字或畫箭頭、圈圈…等,或者自己在動畫影格中加上字幕,整體來說還算不錯用。 繼續閱讀 »

dotEPUB Creator 免費 ePub 電子書線上製作工具

dotEPUB Creator 免費 ePub 電子書線上製作工具:
ePub 是目前相當流行的電子書文件格式,可以用在電腦、智慧型手機或 iPad 等平板電腦…等裝置上,讓我們用比較舒適的方式閱讀喜歡的內容。
網路上有相當多好用的 ePUB 編輯程式或轉檔、製作工具,前一陣子看到網友分享了一個可製作 ePUB 及 MOBI (Amazon Kindle 專用格式) 等格式電子書的線上轉檔工具,主要功能就是把我們所貼上的標題、作者與文字內容直接轉檔成 ePUB 格式讓我們下載、使用。做好的 ePUB 電子書可以直接傳到 iPad、iPhone 等裝置中閱讀,相當簡便。
目前 dotEPUB Creator 可支援將 TXT 純文字內容轉成 ePUB 格式的電子書,如果內文中有圖檔、段落或文字樣式等,都可使用 HTML 等格式的標籤來標示,或可參考「這裡」的說明。另外,dotEPUB 網站其實也提供了其他相當實用的電子書轉檔相關工具,譬如說可將指定網頁內容轉成 ePUB 格式的電子書及一些桌面工具,不過實際測試還是有點問題,所以暫時先不管他了。 繼續閱讀 »

[下載] LibreOffice v3.5.3.2 免費文書處理軟體(支援 Windows, Mac, Linux)

[下載] LibreOffice v3.5.3.2 免費文書處理軟體(支援 Windows, Mac, Linux):
很早之前曾經介紹過 這個免費、開放原始碼的文書處理軟體,裡面提供了類似 Microsoft Office 的 Word、Excel、PowerPoint.. 等等相容的編輯工具,讓我們可以自由下載、安裝使用,不用再花高額費用來買授權。後來 停止開發後被捐給了 Apache 軟體基金會(聽說最近又開始動了),而先前 計畫中的一些成員與其他開發者以其基礎成立了全新的 LibreOffice。
由於 LibreOffice 是脫胎自 而來,所以包括軟體功能、外觀與版本編號一開始都跟 差不多,裡面一樣也包含了文書編輯、試算表、簡報、繪圖、資料庫管理與方程式編輯工具…等,使用方式跟以前大家所熟悉的微軟 Office 文書處理軟體通通都一樣,一樣也可以支援常見的各式 doc, docx, xls, xlsx,ppt… 等等各種文件格式。
LibreOffice 預設提供了包含繁體中文、簡體中文、英文…在內的數十國語言介面,也可支援 Windows, Mac OS X, Linux… 等等各種常見作業系統,如果你常常需要使用到文書、試算表或簡報..等編輯功能而不想盜版或花錢買軟體,直接下載 LibreOffice 來用,不花錢也可以用得輕鬆愉快。 繼續閱讀 »



繼續閱讀>>: [Cydia]構念成真,SwipeSelection讓文字編輯變得飛快!
網站主頁: i ♥ Apps

[紅淚] Mini Player 超簡單易用的 MP3 音樂播放器(比 千千靜聽 好用)

[紅淚] Mini Player 超簡單易用的 MP3 音樂播放器(比 千千靜聽 好用):
Mini Player 是一個看起來相當簡單的音樂播放程式,可支援常見的 MP3、WAV、TAK、OGG、FLAC、WMA 等格式的音樂檔,更可支援 Cue 檔案索引 (Utf-8(Bom)/ANSI)。而 Mini Player 除了完整支援 Unicode 之外,播放音樂時佔用的資源很少、載入歌曲的速度也很快,相對於功能眾多、雜亂的 Windows Media Player 或千千靜聽等播放程式來說,Mini Player 不用安裝、沒有廣告程式,操作介面簡單易懂、用起來也相當順手,算是個相當迷人的小程式。
Mini Player 的操作介面分為 4 大區塊,除了左邊的專輯封面、歌曲名稱與相關資訊之外,右邊歌曲播放列表的部份也佔據了一整塊的空間,播放清單最多可支援 10 個分頁,右下角則有簡單易懂的上一首、下一首..等控制按鈕,當然也支援了單曲播放、循環播放、隨機播放…等功能,儘管操作介面看起來超簡單,不過功能也超級實用,幾乎大家常用的都有了。
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Attribute Changer v7.0a 批次修改檔案、資料夾的屬性(日期、唯讀、隱藏、索引、封存…等)

Attribute Changer v7.0a 批次修改檔案、資料夾的屬性(日期、唯讀、隱藏、索引、封存…等):
不過在某些情況下如果你需要修改某些檔案的檔案屬性或建立、存取日期等訊息的話(譬如說你不想被知道某個檔案什麼時候被存取過),可以試試看下面這套免費的 Attribute Changer 小工具。Attribute Changer 可幫我們批次修改一個或多個檔案或資料夾的各種屬性設定,也可讓我們詳細調整檔案或資料夾的建立日期、修改日期與存取日期…等記錄,是個相當簡單易用的小工具,如果你剛好有這方面的需求可以裝來試試看。
安裝好 Attribute Changer 軟體後,只要在你要修改的檔案上右鍵就可以馬上做處理,相當簡單。
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ImageOptim 圖檔減肥、最佳化工具(支援 Mac OS X 系統)

ImageOptim 圖檔減肥、最佳化工具(支援 Mac OS X 系統):
先前曾經介紹過在 Windows 電腦中的圖檔減肥工具:

RIOT 幫圖片減肥、圖檔最佳化工具(支援JPEG、GIF與PNG)
如果你是 Mac OS X 電腦的使用者,也可試試看另外這一套圖檔減肥、最佳化工具 ImageOptim,它可以支援 PNG, JPEG 跟 GIF 等格式的圖檔,透過內建的 PNGOUT、AdvPNG、Pngcrush、OptiPNG、JpegOptim、jpegrescan、jpegtran 與 Gifsicle 等圖檔最佳化工具,幫我們全自動壓縮、縮減圖檔的大小。
ImageOptim 的使用方法也很簡單,就是把圖檔拉到 ImageOptim 視窗中,它會自動執行最佳化,然後就沒了。 繼續閱讀 »

[Cydia] AlwaysArrange讓桌面圖示長期處於可搬動狀態

[Cydia] AlwaysArrange讓桌面圖示長期處於可搬動狀態:

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忘記 Windows 7 密碼、無法登入怎麼辦?如何破解電腦開機密碼?

忘記 Windows 7 密碼、無法登入怎麼辦?如何破解電腦開機密碼?:
忘記密碼可能是很多人的夢靨,明明記得原本的帳號、密碼就是這樣,可是卻偏偏怎麼輸入也進不去,這時候該怎麼辦呢?重灌嗎? 直接重灌的話很多資料可能會遺失,在你無計可施之前可以試試看下面這招。
要破解 Windows 7 登入密碼的方法有很多種,下面這方法相對來說簡單、安全些,也不會造成資料遺失或其他系統問題。在開始之前必須先下載一套 Ubuntu 免費的桌面作業系統,將 Ubuntu 的 ISO 檔下載回來後用燒錄軟體將它燒成光碟,然後用 Ubuntu 系統安裝光碟開機,開機後修改兩個 Windows 7 的檔案名稱,重新登入後把原先的登入密碼改掉就好了!

  • 下載 Ubuntu 免費作業系統:按這裡

  • 將 Ubuntu 的 ISO 檔燒錄成開機光碟:教學按這裡

  • 教學:如何設定BIOS開機順序,讓電腦用「光碟片」或「USB隨身碟」開機?
  • 完成以上步驟之後,請再依照下面方法設定即可。如果你沒有光碟機,或不想另外燒光碟,其實也可以把原本安裝了 Windows 7 作業系統的硬碟拔起來,接到其他可以正常使用的電腦中,然後再依照後面第 2 步之後的步驟處理也是可以,重點就是只要能修改 system32 資料夾裡的 cmd.exe 與 osk.exe 兩個檔案名稱就行。 繼續閱讀 »

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    繼續閱讀>>: [Cydia] Software Update Killer 幫你隱藏iOS5.1更新提示
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    Convert.Files 萬用線上轉檔服務:「一大堆檔案格式」轉成「一大堆檔案格式」:
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    Thankful For Your Fellowship

    Thankful For Your Fellowship

    Key: F


    Verse 1:
    F G Em Am
    Every time I think of you, my heart is filled with joy.
    Dm G C Dm Em
    I thank God for all you've meant to me.
    F G Em Am
    You have helped me serve the Lord in many, many ways.
    Dm G C
    We are partners for eternity.
    F G
    I'm thankful for your fellowship;
    Em Am
    thankful for your partnership,
    Dm G C Dm Em
    Thankful for the love we share in Je-sus Christ.
    F G
    I'm thankful for the joy we've known,
    Em Am
    Thankful for the way we've grown.
    Dm G C
    I thank God each time I think of you.
    Verse 2:
    God is using you to give this gospel to this land.
    Your whole life is serving Him some way.
    And I'm sure He'll carry on, His work will not be done.
    Until Jesus comes again someday.
    Verse 3:
    You are always in my heart, it's right for you to know,
    I love you because of Jesus' love.
    I'm praying everyday, your love will grow and grow,
    Guided by His wisdom form above.
    Verse 4:
    As you choose to do His will, He'll free you from all sin,
    You will face His judgment without blame.
    Then when Jesus comes again, your life will be
    Fulfilled giving praise and glory to God's name.


    Fake Babolat Aero Pro Drive Tennis Racquet

    Fake Babolat Aero Pro Drive Tennis Racquet

    I have been getting many emails and facebook requests asking to verify if a tennis racquet that had been purchase is either genuine or fake after I wrote my initial articles on the fake Babolat Pure Drive and fake Wilson K Blade 98. All these requests had one very similar thing in common and shared a common trait - They were all purchased from either online auctions sites or unknown China based websites not linked to any authorized tennis reseller or manufacturer.

    I had the opportunity to get a first hand look of a fake Babolat Aero Pro Drive - APD (Cortex Version) courtesy of Lot Tan who is a moderator of Tennis Friendz Network a local tennis forum here in Singapore. He had acquired this racquet from eBay thinking it was a great buy and genuine tennis racquet. When he finally received the racquet, to much to his surprise, he discovered that there were some inconsistencies with it as I will highlight below in my review of the fake Babolat Aero Pro Drive (APD).

    Can you spot the difference between the genuine APD and fake APD? The one with the Black overgrip (left) is the authentic one

    Before I start with my review, I would have to say that the counterfeiters manufacturing these fake racquets are getting even better at making these conterfeit racquets. I personally rate the Babolat Aero Pro here as a "Class A" fake. Unlike the fake Babolat Pure Drive, that I had previously reviewed, which had some glaring inconsistencies that you will be able to spot from a mile away, this fake Babolat Aero Pro Drive racquet bares an uncanny similarity to a genuine Babolat Aero Pro Drive in many aspects and it would take a fair bit of scrutiny comparing it with a genuine Aero Pro Drive to spot the differences. From a distance, I hardly could tell the difference! I hope my review and images below documenting the differences between a genuine and fake Babolat Aero Pro Drive would benefit the folks doing some research on the Aero Pro Drive before making a big mistake by purchasing a fake tennis racquet.

    Can you spot the difference between the genuine APD and fake APD? The one with the Black overgrip (right) is the authentic one. They look exactly identical from a distance.

    Differences between a Genuine Babolat Aero Pro Drive and a Fake Babolat Aero Pro Drive

    1. Racquet Balance & Weight

    This is almost a dead give away if you have the opportunity to physically see and examine the racquet. A weight balance test from the throat of the racquet reveals the "fake" Aero Pro Drive to be severely "head heavy". The entire racquet tips towards the head of the racquet. The genuine Babolat Aero Pro drive should be closer to an even balance.

    The fake Babolat Aero Pro Drive is totally head heavy! (racquet in front) As seen from this racquet balance test with a pencil.

    2. Silver highlights versus Matte finish on wordings and logos

    All the wordings and propriety Babolat Technology and brand logos on the genuine Babolat Aero Pro Drive contains a Silver finishing or gleam. The fake Aero Pro Drive only has a dull greyish finish.

    The authentic APD had a silver glossy finish to all its wordings compared to a matte dull finished found of the fake APD.

    3. Identical colored paintwork but different colored "Cortex" V shaped section

    The "Yellow" coloring on the fake Babolat Aero Pro Drive are identical but the "White" has a more bright white coloring towards it. The genuine Aero Pro Drive has a more pearly yellowish white look. The most obvious give away here would be the more brightly yellow color on the plastic v shaped cortex section that is on the fake Aero Pro Drive compared to the more duller yellow found on the cortex section of the genuine Aero Pro Drive.

    The fake Babolat Aero Pro Drive (Right) has a more brightly yellow colored plastic cortex section compared to the genuine Aero Pro Drive which is more dull yellow.

    4. Totally different Grommets colors & Bumper guard design

    Another dead give away here. The Grommets on the fake Babalat Aero Pro Drive are different in color. Its in black instead of grey and of low quality. The patterns on the grommets also are totally different compared to the orginal Aero Pro Drive. This comes as a surprise to me as as grommets are relatively cheap plastic and easy to manufacture. The counterfeiters went to such great lengths to fake the cosmetic look of the racquet, but didn't bother to invest any time on making a good imitation of cheap plastic grommets. The most logical reason would be perhaps they felt that the grommets would be the least looked at compared to the racquet cosmetics on the frame.

    The bumper guard grommets on the fake APD (top) has a totally different design and color.

    5 Different location of the Trade mark "TM" logo

    The Trade Mark "TM" logo of the fake Babolat Aero Pro Drive is located inside the grommet section and the inner section of the racquet frame compared to the genuine Aero Pro Drive which has the "TM" logo visible on the outer side of the frame. Thing to also note here is the location of the spelling of "T" in the words Babolat. The fake Aero Pro Drive has the T spelling printed just stopping short of grooves where the grommets are housed. The authentic or genuine Aero Pro Drive has the "T" logo printed in the inner section of the grommet grooves.

    The TM logo found logo on the fake Aero Pro Drive (left) is found on the inner section of the grommet groves.

    6. Butt cap color and etched 3 letter character code.

    The butt cap on the original authentic Babolat Aero Pro Drive is a deeper red in color and contains an additional product code. The genuine APD which I have had the 3 character codes "MAC" etched into it. There might be different codes etched into each genuine Aero Pro Drive but I guess the thing to generally look out for would be the deeper red color of the Babolat logo and a character code embedded at the bottom section of the butt cap.

    Serial characters on the butt cap and a darker RED color on the Babolat logo (left) might indicate that you have a genuine Babolat racquet

    7. Poor QC alignment in specification box.

    The alignment on the specs section of the fake Babolat Aero Pro Drive is out of alignment. As you can see from the image below. The "XCEL" box and the words "COMFORT" is slightly crooked and misaligned for the fake APD. The counterfeit Babolat APD is the racquet at the bottom in the image below.

    Quality control has always been an issue with fake tennis racquets as seen in the (bottom) image.

    8. Paint overlay on the genuine Babolat Aero Pro Drive

    A distinct paint over lay was noticed near the hologram section where the yellow paint intersects the white for the genuine Aero Pro Drive. You can literally feel the layer of yellow paint above the white paint causing an impression as you run your fingers through it and a bulge in the grip size sticker above it. In the case of the fake or counterfeit Aero Pro Drive, (APD) there is no pronounced yellow layer and it feels smooth to the touch. All these minor inconsistencies could be prevalent in other counterfeit Babolat racquets and might lead you to quickly determine if a future Babolat racquet you come across is either genuine or fake.

    More differences between a fake (top) and genuine (bottom) Babolat Aero Pro Drive

    9 Racquet cover and zipper

    The racquet cover on the fake Babolat Aero Pro Drive is noticeably much lighter than compared to an original Aero Pro Drive cover. The genuine APD racquet cover is much heavier and chunkier in feel. The color of the words "Aero Series" is different for both the genuine and fake racquets. The one on the genuine APD has the word "series" labeled in Green. The counterfeit APD had the entire words "Aero Series" all in Yellow.

    The racquet covers doesn't lie, poorer quality is evident in the fake cover (left) in terms of weight and quality.

    The zipper on the genuine Aero Pro Drive has a greater quality finish, is much thicker in feel and has a matte finish look towards it. The zipper on the fake APD however has a more silvery look and feels much thinner to the touch. The logo on the zipper has a very crude look towards it indicating low quality control.

    Better quality matte finish found on the Babolat genuine racquet zippers (right) compared to the silvery crude looking zippers (left) found on the fake racquet covers.

    One possible way to check if your Babolat racquet is genuine.

    Over the years and from experience using many Babolat tennis racquets. I realized that Babolat usually has two serial holograms on their racquets. One is located on the inner section of the racquet throat and the other is found on the handle of the racquet which is only accessible when you remove your original grip. The serial numbers of the two stickers should match. Refer to the image below of my genuine Babolat Aero Pro Drive.

    Is it Real? One possible way to find out is to check that the serial numbers matches on both the racquet throat and handle (only accessible if you remove the original grip).

    Why you should never buy a fake tennis racquet racquet...

    As I was doing this review of the fake Aero Pro Drive and examining the grommets I noticed that this fake APD was already damaged and the frame had been already cracked. Counterfeit racquets are known to use cheaper less stronger composites and materials that are bad for you arm. You can risk serious injuries playing with fake tennis racquets and I strongly urge you to never consider buying an imitation tennis racquet or fake tennis frame. In the case of this counterfeit APD, I believe the crack on the frame was its inability to handle the stresses put on the string. The fake APD had a hybrid synthetic string setup on it. I feel that its material was never built to handle the stresses put on this racquet due to its cheap composites. I have no reason to believe this racquet was abused in anyway as a crack on the inside of the racquet usually indicates more of structural fatigue. It could be the result that this racquet was strung at a higher tension or gave way during play. I was looking for further evidence of abuse but could not find any leading me to conclude that the crack was more of a structural failure due to bad composites than anything else as a fake racquet with its poor quality materials and composites could not simply handle the stringing tension and the racquet finally gave way.

    Crack frame from racquet fatigue. Fake racquets are notorious for low quality composites that can lead not only to cracked frames but serious injuries.


    If you have already purchase a fake tennis racquet, I'm sorry that this has happened, but its at least a good lesson learnt that you should never try to shave off a couple of bucks in costs and buy from a reputable tennis dealer or store instead of auction sites that you have no way of verifying if the tennis racquet you purchase is real or fake. My advice is to know as much as possible about a genuine racquet before you buy it. Try to physically see and touch the racquet assuming you're buying it off somebody and meeting the seller. It helps to know how the racquet feels - it's weight, balance and some aspects of its cosmetics. If you cannot physically see and touch the racquet as you're buying it online, I would highly recommend that you purchase your tennis racquets from either reputable online stores, sellers or dealers of authorized tennis racquets.

    I am not saying that all sellers on online auction sites are selling fake racquets. Most sellers are selling genuine items and you can get them for a good deal as they might have purchased an original authentic racquet from an authorized store and might just want to sell it after sometime. This happens in most cases, but there are always some unscrupulous sellers who wants to sell fake tennis racquets to some unsuspecting buyers so the onus is on the buyer to always be aware and cautious when buying online. Many seller of fake products will posts images of the real product and sell you a fake product later. I sympathize with folks who don't really know much about tennis racquets and buy these imitation racquets thinking that they are genuine. Mind you these fake racquets are not exactly dirt cheap and still considerably cost some money. I sincerely hope my findings on the fake Babolat Aero Pro Drive would help some folks not get conned into buying a counterfeit product.

    Incidentally the moderators on our local Singapore tennis forum does not condone in such illegal activities and will not hesitate to refer this matter to the local authorities. I hope similar tennis forums and online auction sites follow suit.

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