Thankful For Your Fellowship
Thankful For Your Fellowship
Key: F
Verse 1:
F G Em Am
Every time I think of you, my heart is filled with joy.
Dm G C Dm Em
I thank God for all you've meant to me.
F G Em Am
You have helped me serve the Lord in many, many ways.
Dm G C
We are partners for eternity.
I'm thankful for your fellowship;
Em Am
thankful for your partnership,
Dm G C Dm Em
Thankful for the love we share in Je-sus Christ.
I'm thankful for the joy we've known,
Em Am
Thankful for the way we've grown.
Dm G C
I thank God each time I think of you.
Verse 2:
God is using you to give this gospel to this land.
Your whole life is serving Him some way.
And I'm sure He'll carry on, His work will not be done.
Until Jesus comes again someday.
Verse 3:
You are always in my heart, it's right for you to know,
I love you because of Jesus' love.
I'm praying everyday, your love will grow and grow,
Guided by His wisdom form above.
Verse 4:
As you choose to do His will, He'll free you from all sin,
You will face His judgment without blame.
Then when Jesus comes again, your life will be
Fulfilled giving praise and glory to God's name.
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